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Welcome to Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, Kolkata
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Welcome to Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, Kolkata

Statistics April 2014 to March 2015

Cataract Indoor Outdoor
Cataract (ECCE & ICCE) 54 0
Cataract IOL 2419 4329
Cataract Phaco 1989 4149
Total 4462 8478


Indoor 4462
Outdoor 8478
Total 12940


  Male Female Total
Old 9913 6823 16736
New 8046 5503 13549
Total Surgery 1052 627 1679
Cataract 324 161 485
Rupture 230 103 343
Squint 21 27 48
Glaucoma 0 2 2
Others 480 321 801


Special Clinics
Glaucoma 4441
Automated Perimetry 2281
Retina Research (OPD) 2451
USG Clinic 1266
Fluorescin Angiography 507
Nd YAG Laser and Diode Laser 792
OCT 691
Squint Clinic 344
Paediatric Ophthalmology 28254
Low Visual Aid 285
Contact Lens Clinic 525
Pathology Clinic 9833
Refraction Clinic 39496
Cornea Clinic 1839
Oculoplasty Clinic 1185
Paediatric Refraction 13555


Other Surgical Activities
Retinal Detachment & Vitrectomy 1061
Oculoplasty 30
Dacryocystectomy & DCR 263
Glaucoma 72
Squint 87
Keratoplasty 159
Total Indoor Operation 8508
Total Outdoor Operation 10413